Do you know the difference
4 hours

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COURSE DESCRIPTION:   A Synthetic Cannabinoid, is a chemical intended to imitate the properties and effects of a known hallucinogen or narcotic and may have unknown side effects or cause an adverse reaction. Synthetic Marijuana is a designer drug in which herbs, incense or other leafy materials are sprayed with lab-synthesized liquid chemicals to mimic the effect of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in the naturally grown marijuana plant (cannabis sativa).    These drugs are created to evade restrictions against illegal substances and are marketed as a “legal high". 

After successful completion of this course, you will be able to define Synthetic Marijuana; discuss the history of Synthetic Marijuana; list National & State Statistics as it relates to Synthetic Marijuana; discuss Synthetic Cannabinoids (Marijuana), how its manufactured, used and the potential health effects; discuss the difference between synthetic marijuana and regular marijuana and list some of the street names; discuss how to assist if someone has used synthetic marijuana and ways to help prevent the use of synthetic marijuana;  and discuss prosecuting cases and the penalties associated with synthetic marijuana products in Texas.


TARGET AUDIENCE: Peace Officers, Jailers, Telecommunication Officers, Military LE and Civilians

PREPARED BY: Janice Washington

Course Prerequisites