Special investigative topics
8 hours

You will have 30 days to complete this course.  When accessing our online training, please make sure you are using the Google Chrome or Firefox browser, which works best with our courses. For issues regarding this site please contact the online help desk support at aacog.online@gmail.com or call 512-766-0659.  To find out more about the AACOG Regional Law Enforcement Academy and the various in-service and licensing courses offered, please visit our web site at:  www.aacog.com/academy.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This curriculum is designed to meet the continuing education requirements of Texas Government Code 415.034 for peace officers in the State of Texas.  This course includes:  Child Abuse and Neglect, Family Violence, Sexual Assault and issues concerning Sex Offenders.   

Within each section are learning objectives for the course, including the updates passed by the 86th Legislative Session in 2019.  Some of the legislative updates passed may be repeated throughout each topic area if it is applicable.  Also, additions were also made to this curriculum to fulfill updates passed by the 86th Legislative Session, HB 1735, SB 586,  and SB 971 in 2019 (objectives 2.1, 2.3, 3.0, 3.4).



TARGET AUDIENCE: All Law Enforcement with a Basic Proficiency Certification

PREPARED BY:  Tom Vitacco

Course Prerequisites